X Song Festival Chicago

Greetings Dear Singers

Greetings, dear singers! The Song Festival is once again coming to North America! Having visited Toronto in 2010, and Kaunas and Vilnius in 2014, on July 3-5, 2015 it will once again touch down in Chicago. So let's begin preparations! We encourage all choirs to register as soon as possible. If you do not sing in a Lithuanian choir, find one in your area that you can join. Invite your friends. If there is no Lithuanian choir in your area, start one! All Lithuanians love to sing, don't they?! :)

"Padainuosim dainų dainelę …" ("We will sing the song of songs …") It's no coincidence that our forebearers refered to "song" ("daina") in its diminutive form ("dainelė"). To them song was a constant companion, a dear friend that was always there throughout life's ups and downs. Song has been integral to Lithuania's history as well. It was not so long ago, that our brothers and sisters stood for freedom, armed only with courage and song ... On July 5, 2015 we too will "open the tresaure chest of songs, and set them free …". Burrowing through the riches of Lithuanian song, we will once again be reminded of its beauty and of its significance in our lives and in our homeland's history.

I'm looking forward to working together with all of you in the coming months!

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