X Song Festival Chicago

Important comments regarding repertoire

The Song Festival is right around the corner! We’d like to provide some guidance and comments regarding some minor changes to the Song Festival repertoire:

  • "Sveiki gyi, sveteliai". This song will begin differently than in the sheet music. It will begin with a video and audio recording from which the singers will find their initial pitch. At the appropriate time, following the conductor’s gesture, all choristers will begin singing from measure 8, i.e. from the first verse. More information regarding this song’s performance will follow next week.
  • We remind you, that the beginning and end of “O Canada” will be sung in English, while the middle will be sung in French. We suggest that you print the new sheet music from the Song Festival web site and paste it into your repertoire books. At the web site you can also find part recordings of "O Canada" sung in both English and French (as it will be performed). 
  • We will sing the "Lithuanian National Anthem" FROM MEMORY.
  • There will no soloist for the song “Padainuosim mes sustoję”. All choirs will sing the unison phrase marked “solo”.
  • "Kalvelis" will be sung by children’s choirs and youth choir girls. Adult choirs also performing the youth repertoire will NOT sing this song. 
  • Change in program order - “Tylūs, tylūs vakariele” will precede “Aš pasėjau linelį” (the reverse of what is indicated in the repertoire books).
  • "Tylūs, tylūs vakariele" will be performed a capella, i.e. without accompaniment. Musician Saulius Petreikis will begin the song with an improvized intro on folk instruments. Also it is likely that he will add an interlude between the second and third verses. More info will be provided at the joint rehearsal.
  • "Pamario dainos". At the end, after "Hei" (rehearsal K), singers need to clap. Youth choirs must learn this part of the song from memory, so singers can tuck their music under their arms and clap with their hands.
  • Attention children's and youth choirs! We remind you that “Aš negaliu sustot” includes choreography. Video can be found here. This song will be sung FROM MEMORY.
  • "Balnokit broliai žirgus" will be accompanied by the concert band. There will be a 4 measure interlude between each verse. Also, there will be a key change between the 4rth and 5th verses, and between the 6th and 7th verses. If possible, we will upload an audio example of the accompaniment to the web site. Stay tuned!
  • "Kur giria žaliuoja" will be sung FROM MEMORY. If this is extremely difficult for some of you (for example, if Lithuanian is not your native tongue) we recommend you prepare "cheat sheets" of the lyrics. What is most important is that choir members not be "buried" in their books, especially for this song, as it serves as the de facto "anthem" of Lithuanian choirs world-wide.

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