X Song Festival Chicago

New Part Recordings

We've recently added several new part recordings:

  • Dainuojanti revoliucija I. Tiek metų kentėta
  • Dainuojanti revoliucija IV. Tu prisikėlei

Perhaps you've noticed that it is easier to tell which part recordings are available for listening or download. Those songs with completed part recordings are marked "notes and recordings" (as opposed to simply "notes").

Are the part recordings helpful to you? The following dedicated musicians have contributed to the recordings: Rima Birutienė, Kęstutis Daugirdas, Kristina Kliorytė, Martynas Matutis, Darius Polikaitis and Aleksandras Stankevičius. If you run into them at the Song Festival, please be sure to thank them! :)

Comments (1)

  1. PETRAUSKAS, Edmundas Jan 07, 2015 at 11:02 AM

    DEKOJU- I take tis time to THANK 'THE above-listed DEDICATED SIX MUSICIANS for the fine recording inscriptions !!!